Background: Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a high grade neuroendocrine\ntumor, and has aggressive nature, so the majority of cases are presented with\nextensive disease. SCLC was staged into 2 categories: limited-stage disease\n(LS-SCLC) and extensive disease (ES-SCLC). Despite SCLC is sensitive to radiotherapy\nand chemotherapy, SCLC has high tendency for rapid dissemination\nto regional and distant sites. Median survival time ranged from 2 - 4\nmonths in patients with untreated SCLC. Multiagent chemotherapy was the\nprimary treatment for SCLC. Aim of the work: This retrospective study was\nconducted to evaluate and analyze clinical features, treatment outcome, survival\nand prognostic factors affecting survival in patients with SCLC presented\nto Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine department, Chest department\nand Medical oncology unit in Mansoura Oncology Centre during\nthe period from 2000-2015. Methods: Data of patients were collected from\ntheir files. The information obtained included demographic features, treatment\nreceived; its toxicity and outcome, survival and its prognostic factors.\nDemographic data were: age, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance\nStatus (ECOG-PS), smoking status, stage of disease. Data also included\ndisease presentation and metastatic sites. Several factors affecting survival\nwere analysed as age, sex, stage, PS, smoking status and LDH. Results:\nSixty-three patients were enrolled in this study.....................